Sci-Fi Movie Cliche Bingo!

A game to play while watching Sci-Fi movies.

How to play:

Visit Sci-Fi Movie Cliche Bingo and print one copy of this game card for each player, refreshing the page before each print, or have the players print their own bingo cards. These instructions will not be printed. You can also select an embeddable card only version of the game or a multiple card version of the game when playing on line, or with a smart phone.

Click/Mark each block when you see or hear these words and phrases. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "PEW PEW PEW!". Or play as a drinking game and for every block you mark off, take a sip, and finish your drink each time you get five blocks in a row.

Deus Ex-MachinaWilhelm ScreamFemale Shows Her MidriffHoverbots Of Public SafetyRadiation Gave Us Mutations Or Monsters
Parallel Worlds or TimelinesDidn't Check If They Were DeadDevice That Kills You And Hurts The Whole Time You're DyingSound Travels In SpaceLens Flare
Jesus AllegoryCutting Random WiresI HAVE A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS
(free square)
Exotic WildlifeTime Travel
Flirtatious RoguePlanet With A Single ClimateSudden BetrayalDramatic Slow MotionTeleporter Failure
Physics Doesn't Work Like ThatKnocked Over Table In The Mess HallTattooed Bad AssSomeone Thrown Out The AirlockChess-Inspired Game

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