Downsize | Solution(s) | Search Engine Optimization | Dynamic | Backward Compatible |
Brand[ing] | Level Set | Omnichannel / Cross Channel | Heavy lifting | Restructuring |
Advantage | Application Service Provider (ASP) | BUZZWORD BINGO (free square) | Engage | Growth |
Customer Facing | Lead The Field / Occupy The Field | Back-end | Agenda | Prototype |
Initial Assessment | Knowledge Base | Acquisition | Out Source | Revenue |
Relevance | Integration | Google Juice | Heads up | Circle Back |
Circle the wagons | Reach out | Re-engagement | ETA | Low-Hanging Fruit |
Go to market | Laser-focused | BUZZWORD BINGO (free square) | Reswizzle | Innovation / Innovated |
Ball Park | Drink the Kool-Aid | Robust | Front Lines | Drill Down |
Walk the Talk | Paradigm | Bottom Line | Cross Sell | Skill set(s) |