One Stop Shop | Real-Time | E-commerce | Initial Assessment | Elevator pitch |
Braindump | Lead The Field / Occupy The Field | Fault Tolerant | Off-line | On the back end |
Strategic | Scenario[s] | BUZZWORD BINGO (free square) | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) | Deep dive |
Knowledge Transfer | Due dilligence | Business Plan | Scale | Red Flag |
User Friendly | Portal | Strategize | Off Site Meeting | At the end of the day |
Goal oriented | Agnostic | Partner | Deploy | Call to Action |
Touch Base | Customer Service | Profit[ability] | Downsize | Utilize |
Landing Page[s] | Leadership | BUZZWORD BINGO (free square) | Off Site Meeting | Service Oriented |
Competitive | Patent | Off-line | Statement of Work (SOW) | Lean In |
Reinvent[ing] the wheel | Leverage | Process | Braindump | Measurement |