Republicans | Senator / Senate | Bottom up | Bipartisan | Infrastructure |
Wall Street | Job creation | Campaign | Mortgage | Relief for working families |
Win-win | Spread the wealth | 2008 BARACK OBAMA BINGO (free square) | China | $250,000 |
War | Science | Homeowners | American[s] | Climate Change |
Previous Administration | Let me be clear | Unprecedented | Administration | Optimistic / Optimisim |
Infrastructure | Republicans | Administration | Bipartisan | Free market |
Retirement | Job creation | Previous Administration | Look | Afghanistan |
American[s] | Taxes / Taxpayers / Tax Plan | 2008 BARACK OBAMA BINGO (free square) | Economy / Economic | Mortgage |
China | Crisis | Let me be clear | Health Care | Spread the wealth |
Accountable | Main Street | Make no mistake | Trust | Wall Street |